One of my favorite things to do on a weekend, which I don't do enough of, is scanning Craigslist and going to estate sales. My most memorable so far is the home of a former hunter in Sunnyvale (!) with more than 100 taxidermied animals. I wish I had my camera then. California is getting into the act on Friday and Saturday. I am not sure if you can find this on Craigslist, but here it is: The Great California Garage Sale.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Great California Garage Sale
One of my favorite things to do on a weekend, which I don't do enough of, is scanning Craigslist and going to estate sales. My most memorable so far is the home of a former hunter in Sunnyvale (!) with more than 100 taxidermied animals. I wish I had my camera then. California is getting into the act on Friday and Saturday. I am not sure if you can find this on Craigslist, but here it is: The Great California Garage Sale.
I think the whole state is for sale, if someone would make them an offer...
Maybe you make a bid to get the ball rolling?
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